NCIS Database

Anonymous was a Woman is the fourth episode of NCIS Season 11 and the 238th episode of the entire NCIS series.


When a young woman is found dead, the NCIS team along with Susan Grady investigate but are shocked to discover that the woman who's supposed to be a Marine Sergeant is in fact an impostor and also an immigrant originally from Afghanistan. Gibbs and McGee later travel to Afghanistan to visit a local Afghan woman's shelter that Mike Franks secretly supported for years, only to face harsh resistance from locals.


Roland Pulvino arrives for work, talking to someone named Bobby on his headset.

As he enters his shop titled "Pillow Pile", Roland wonders how many times he's gotta tell Bobby that he doesn't do water-filled.

As he heads inside, closing the door, Roland remarks that it's because at best, they leak and at worst, you get black mold, that's why.

As he places his roll down onto the table, examining it, Roland heads over, remarking that if Bobby has some buckwheat-fill he wants to unload, he could trade Bobby a case of corduroy pillows and that they're great for making headlines.

While saying that, Roland heads over to the counter, grabs something before heading back to the table again. He wonders if Bobby got the "head lines" joke before stating that it's pillow humor.

Suddenly, a red substance drops down onto the roll, startling Roland.

Seconds later, another botch drops down.

Roland looks up at the ceiling and it's shown that there's a small pool of blood emerging from the ceiling above. He tells Bobby to let him call him back.

Roland then hangs up, dumping his headset on the table.

He then grabs a ladder and as he places the ladder in front of the table, Roland then grabs his mobile before walking up the ladder.

He then holds the mobile up to the ceiling and gasps at what he sees.

A single glazed over eyelid with a bloodied forehead stares back at him.

It cuts to Roland who looks stunned.

Act One


Gibbs and McGee after discovering that the murder victim at the crime scene is an imposter.

Act Two

In the bullpen, as Gibbs and McGee listen, Tony reveals that the real Sergeant Moreno was killed by an IED in Afghanistan three years ago.

McGee states that Moreno's body was later sent back through Dover and then buried in her Kansas hometown.

Act Three

Act Four

Act Five

Major Events

  • Rule 14 is revealed to be "Bend the line, don't break it".


  • This is the second time Gibbs and McGee have gone to Afghanistan together, the first time being in the Season 10 episode, Seek (episode).
  • The flashbacks with Mike Franks and Gibbs talking to each other occur nearly two years ago, suggesting that the conversations Mike and Gibbs took place albeit secretly during the final few episodes of NCIS Season 8.


Series Regulars

Name Portrayed by Role
Leroy Jethro Gibbs Mark Harmon Special Agent in charge of the NCIS Major Case Response Team.
Anthony DiNozzo Junior Michael Weatherly Senior Special Agent and second-in-command of the NCIS Major Case Response Team.
Timothy McGee Sean Murray (actor) Special Agent for the the NCIS Major Case Response Team.
Abigail Sciuto Pauley Perrette Chief Forensic Specialist for the NCIS Major Case Response Team.
James Palmer Brian Dietzen Assistant Medical Examiner for the NCIS Major Case Response Team.
Leon Vance Rocky Carroll Director of NCIS. Despite being credited, Carroll does not appear in this episode.
Donald Mallard David McCallum Chief Medical Examiner for the NCIS Major Case Response Team.

Recurring Characters

Name Portrayed by Role
Susan Grady Jackie Geary NCIS Special Agent.
Michael Franks Muse Watson Former NIS Special Agent and Gibbs mentor who died in the Season 8 episode, Pyramid (episode) after being stabbed by Lt. Jonas Cobb, the Port-to-Port Killer. Appears in this episode via flashbacks.
Leyla Shakarji Tehmina Sunny Frank's daughter-in-law.
Amira Shakarji Zoey Diaz Leyla's daughter and Gibbs's goddaughter.

Guest Cast

Name Portrayed by Role
Farshad Sarabi Alexander Wraith A man who appears in the episode.
Roland Pulvino Fred Cross A man who appears in the episode.
Catherine Tavier Lolita Davidovich A woman who appears in the episode.
United Nations Soldier Paul Hodge A man who appears in the episode.
Thomas Gorman Ramon de Ocampo Navy Lieutenant.
Afghan Local Leader Ben Maccabee A man who appears in the episode.
Halia Jasmine Di Angelo A woman who appears in the episode.
Elina Nikka Far A woman who appears in the episode.
Mor Paris Benjamin A woman who appears in the episode.
Stoic Afghan Girl Shani Atias A girl who appears in the episode.
Dossier Woman 1 Sarah Fasha Uncredited role.
Dossier Woman 2 Naomi Cohen Uncredited role.
Naval Officer Marianne Bourg Uncredited role.
Nadira Nena Za Uncredited role.
  vedNCIS Season 11
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (episode)Past, Present, and Future (episode)Under the Radar (episode)Anonymous was a Woman (episode)Once a Crook (episode)Oil and Water (episode)Better Angels (episode)Alibi (episode)Gut Check (episode)Devil's Triad (episode)Homesick (episode)Kill Chain (episode)Double Back (episode)Monsters and Men (episode)Bulletproof (episode)Dressed to Kill (episode)Rock and a Hard Place (episode)Crescent City (Part 1) (episode)Crescent City (Part 2) (episode)Page Not Found (episode)Alleged (episode)Shooter (episode)The Admiral's Daughter (episode)Honor Thy Father (episode)