NCIS Database

Bulletproof is the fifteenth episode of NCIS Season 11 and the 249th episode of the entire NCIS series.


While investigating an abandoned bakery truck that has crashed on a road in downtown D.C., the NCIS team discover stolen merchandise apparently belonging to the United States Marine Corps inside the truck with the crates later revealed to contain body armor. Things later take a turn when Abby's tests reveal the supposedly safe body armor is actually flawed, capable of permanently paralyzing the wearer if they're hit with any gunfire or shrapnel. With the new information, the team's investigation grows more intense as they attempt to find and arrest the mastermind responsible while also ensuring that all the faulty body armor is ultimately all accounted for while Bishop attempts to adjust with being the newest member of the NCIS team and also a Probie.


In downtown D.C., as cars pass by on a bridge and below the building, Chris Valley states that he guess that this is it.

His friend, Chris Hoffman tells Valley that it's been nice knowing him before saying, "Here we go".

The two then shake hands before heading inside to a huge abandoned area that has been laced with graffiti that contains the boys' own names.

Hoffman states that it's hard to believe they're seniors.

"Yeah, remember the first time we came up here?", Valley wonders before remembering that they were so young and that they believed everything would go their way.

He then finishes signing his name on the wall with a can of spray paint before he asks his friend if he can tell him something.

Hoffman who's in the middle of tagging a wall, i.e., spraying graffiti tells Valley not to make this any harder and that he already knows that Valley didn't get into Georgetown with him.

Valley then reveals that he got into Northern.

Hoffman who's busy writing something on the wall starts to say that that's not bad before he stops and turns around, confronting Valley, Hoffman confused.

Once the shock's worn off, Hoffman remarks that Northern was his first choice as they have a top pharmacy program.

"I know", Valley says.

Approaching Valley, Hoffman states that Valley is a marketing major.

Valley then states that this is why he waited to tell Hoffman.

Running over to Valley, Hoffman tells Valley that Valley told him that he didn't even apply there before Hoffman angrily starts wondering when did they start lying to each other?

Valley just stands there.

Furious, Hoffman grabs a backpack and then attempts to throw it at Valley, only for Valley to easily side-step and dodge with the backpack itself flying out the door.

The two laugh for a second.

Meanwhile, outside tires are heard squealing followed by a crash.

As the two race for the door, Valley wonders what was that.

As they look outside, it's shown that a truck lies on its side, smoke rising from it while its crates are out at the back, scattered everywhere.

It then cuts to Valley and Hoffman who stare at the scene, stunned with Valley going, "Whoa".

Act One

Act Two


Gibbs after he, DiNozzo, McGee and Bishop have found the body of the bakery truck's driver.

Act Three

Act Four

A while later, as Bishop sits down amongst the concerned group of mothers to take their statement, McGee emerges to tell Gibbs what's going on.

Out on the corridor, McGee tells Gibbs that the mothers agreed to hold off on contacting any media outlets.

Gibbs tells McGee or Tim that they (NCIS) just need a chance to do their job.

Act Five

Major Events

  • Bishop begins her career as an NCIS Probationary Agent.


Series Regulars

Name Portrayed by Role
Leroy Jethro Gibbs Mark Harmon Special Agent in charge of the NCIS Major Case Response Team.
Anthony DiNozzo Junior Michael Weatherly Senior Special Agent and second-in-command of the NCIS Major Case Response Team.
Timothy McGee Sean Murray (actor) Special Agent of the NCIS Major Case Response Team.
Abigail Sciuto Pauley Perrette Chief Forensic Specialist for the NCIS Major Case Response Team.
James Palmer Brian Dietzen Assistant Medical Examiner for the NCIS Major Case Response Team.
Eleanor Bishop Emily Wickersham NCIS Probationary Agent.
Leon Vance Rocky Carroll Director of NCIS.
Donald Mallard David McCallum Chief Medical Examiner for the NCIS Major Case Response Team.

Recurring Cast

Name Portrayed by Role
Delilah Fielding Margo Harshman DOD employee and Special Agent Timothy McGee's current girlfriend. Now permanently confined to a wheelchair after being left paralyzed in the aftermath of the Drone Attack on the Conrad Gala.

Guest Cast

Name Portrayed by Role
Benson Honeycutt Adrian LaTourelle A man who appears in the episode.
Fay Gussman Challen Cates A woman who was later revealed to be the one responsible for selling the faulty bulletproof vests. Later dies after getting into a shootout with the NCIS team.
Chris Valley Jarrod Bailey A teenager.
Chris Hoffman Ki Hong Lee A teenager.
Karen Upline Sarah Aldrich A woman who appears in the episode.
Freddie Linn Kurt Yaeger Mallory Linn's son and a former Marine left permanently paralyzed due to faulty body armor.
Mallory Linn Shannon Cochran Freddie Linn's mother.
Female Instructor Sarah Brown Uncredited role.
FBI Agent (Bulletproof) Celeste Cook Uncredited role.
  v - e - dNCIS Season 11
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (episode)Past, Present, and Future (episode)Under the Radar (episode)Anonymous was a Woman (episode)Once a Crook (episode)Oil and Water (episode)Better Angels (episode)Alibi (episode)Gut Check (episode)Devil's Triad (episode)Homesick (episode)Kill Chain (episode)Double Back (episode)Monsters and Men (episode)Bulletproof (episode)Dressed to Kill (episode)Rock and a Hard Place (episode)Crescent City (Part 1) (episode)Crescent City (Part 2) (episode)Page Not Found (episode)Alleged (episode)Shooter (episode)The Admiral's Daughter (episode)Honor Thy Father (episode)