Emily Ann Brody was a young woman who was also the twin sister of NCIS Special Agent Meredith Brody.
Born in an unknown State in the U.S., Emily was the daughter of an unnamed professor who had served in the military and a journalist, Olivia Brody with Emily also having a twin sister, Meredith.
Not much was revealed about Brody's early life but it's presumed that she went to a local high school with her twin.
Emily presumably had a very distant, almost cold relationship with her parents as Olivia and her husband often shipped their daughters off to boarding school with Meredith even regarding them as "the Stepfords" while even mentioning the two engaged in screaming matches with one another during Thanksgiving although they would later offer tearful apologizes to one another at half time.
Emily would later be killed in an apparent car accident, an event that would haunt her sister Meredith for many years and led her to search for answers while leaving her unable to sleep as she would stay up all night, stewing over her twin sister's death.