NCIS Database

Jasper Shepard was a Colonel in the United States Army and the father of former NCIS Director, Jennifer Shepard and Heather Shepard.



Jasper Shepard was married to an unnamed civilian woman whom he had two daughters with, Jennifer Shepard and Heather Shepard. They presumably lived in Los Angeles before the family relocated to Washington, D.C. after Colonel Shepard was assigned to the Pentagon.

During his time at the Pentagon, Colonel Shepard was accused of taking a bribe but died while under investigation with his death being recorded as a suicide.

NCIS Season 4

During the fourth season, Jasper is greatly implied to have not killed himself and is stated to still be alive although his whereabouts are unknown. Possible evidence to support this comes from the episode Trojan Horse when Colonel-General Borov claims that Jasper visited him approximately three weeks before Jennifer did but it is unclear how true this is as his daughter claimed that his memory could be affected by morphine. Further support arises in Angel of Death when Jennifer found a bottle and glass on her office desk upon returning from Paris that Abby confirmed only had her father's fingerprints on it.

NCIS Season 5

During several flashbacks of the season's first episode, it is revealed that Jasper did not kill himself, instead he was murdered by René Benoit. However, it is unclear if this is the true method of his death as it was shown to be a dream Director Shepard was having.

It was later stated by Ducky in Internal Affairs that René Benoit's supposed suicide/suspected murder had details that matched almost exactly like Jasper's.


Physical Appearance
