NCIS Database

Leeka is a disgraced Gunnery Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps who is assigned to the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps.



Born in an unknown State, Leeka presumably attended a local high school and upon graduating, chose to join the United States Marine Corps, rising to the rank of Gunnery Sergeant although given his crimes, it's possible he committed a few crimes in his youth, ones that never came up during his background check.

He later married an unknown woman and had a family of his own.

However, at some point, after serving overseas, Leeka was reassigned to the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps with one branch or division located in Waverly University and began training midshipmen who would graduate from the academy into active branches of the United States military.

He also secretly began a relationship with Midshipman Ashley Simmons but Leeka then began raping her, presumably forcing her to have sex with him in exchange for her silence.

When Simmons told Marine Sergeant Joseph Turner and Navy Petty Officer Finnegan Blake, the two presumably confronted Leeka albeit separately who fought back, using his Marine techniques to kill Turner first and leave his body in an area outside the campus before he fought against Blake with Leeka killing Blake and then burying Blake's remains at a building site located on campus.

During a hazing night, one of the students, Fredrick Pippin unknowingly discovered Turner's dead body, prompting the authorities to seal off the area and summon both the local Sheriff's department and the NCIS team to the scene to investigate.

NCIS Season 2

Leeka appeared in the NCIS Season 2 episode, Red Cell (episode) where he was first seen talking to Midshipman Simmons and another young female Midshipman, berating them for the fact that the two women had dyed their hair purple and orange which was against regulations.

He also informed them that if they did something like that again, they could kiss their scholarships goodbye before he dismissed them just as NCIS Special Agents Leroy Jethro Gibbs and Caitlin Todd arrived to talk to Leeka in regards to the discovery of Joseph Turner's body.

During the conversation, Leeka expressed his pride in Turner, stating he put most of the current midshipmen to shame and that he would have made one hell of a Marine officer.

Upon Gibbs bringing up the fact Turner had problems with protesters on campus, Leeka informed them that one protestor spit on Turner's uniform but that Turner in Leeka's own words "soon cleaned his clock", causing Kate to wonder if the protestor Turner beat up was the type to look for revenge.

Realizing Turner was murdered, something Kate confirmed with Gibbs wanting to know why, Leeka then called on Simmons and ordered her to bring Midshipman Finnegan Blake there double time.

As soon as Simmons had left, Leeka informed the two NCIS agents that Blake and Turner were tight and that Blake was the one who pulled Turner off the protestor before the campus cops got to the scene.

Even though Gibbs wanted to know who else Turner was tight with, Leeka told him that only Blake would know as the two men are the only enlisted men in the entire unit.

Simmons soon arrived, informing Leeka Blake didn't report to formation this morning.

This had Captain Daniel Lemay approaching the group with Lemay informing Gibbs and Kate Blake's never been U.A, not since Leeka himself started before telling them he, not Leeka is the one telling Gibbs that Blake is missing and more worryingly, no-one had seen Blake since Friday night.

The next day, in the afternoon, after Gibbs, Kate and NCIS Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo Junior had discovered Midshipmen Kyle Zolin and Frank Smith (Red Cell) playing illegal games on campus which apparently consisted of them firing paintball guns at one another, the two Midshipmen were brought to the ROTC office where Leeka proceeded to berate them for their actions before Lemay intervened, interrupting Leeka and telling the Gunny that Gibbs would take it from there with Gibbs proceeding to interview both Zorin and Smith over their games and Turner's death.

During the interview, Leeka was seen exchanging a glance with Lemay.

A while later, in the ROTC office, Leeka was with Simmons who was scrubbing the office's floor with Leeka wondering why Simmons's hair was still purple.

Simmons informed him that it took a few days to wash out, causing Leeka to express his hope that the time Simmons has spent field-daying is starting to sink him and when he approached her, informed her that he owned her until the day she graduated with Simmons agreeing and stating it wouldn't happen again.

Leeka then knelt down and wondered if she'd like to give orders some day before telling her she needed to learn how to follow them with the meeting being interrupted by Gibbs who had arrived while commenting it was good advice.

Getting to his feet, Leeka was curious, wondering if the agents had found Blake while Simmons looked on with Gibbs informing Leeka that Blake is why they were here.

Insisting they discuss this in his office, Leeka informed Simmons she'd missed a spot but it was soon revealed that the agents had arrived to question Simmons with Tony and Kate arriving in.

The two agents then bought Simmons with them, Gibbs informing Leeka that Blake was dead and that they believed Simmons might know about something about despite Simmons telling them she didn't.

Once Tony and Kate had left, bringing Simmons with them, this presented an opportunity for Gibbs to talk to Leeka who admitted that even though Simmons was a screw-up, she wasn't a bad kid before wondering if she was involved in this.

Leeka then remarked he was getting too old for this crap and that ROTC was supposed to be easy before asking Gibbs if he wanted a cup, presumably a cup of coffee with Gibbs passing on the offer, something Leeka told him was a good offer before he asked how Blake was murdered.

Upon learning that Turner and Blake had identical neck-breaks, Leeka presumably pretended to be stunned with Gibbs remarking the team's belief that the one who killed them had military training.

Leeka informed Gibbs that he'd have everyone in the unit standing by tomorrow and that Gibbs could question them at the same time, only for Gibbs to catch Leeka out by stating he'd only told him that Blake had been found dead while Leeka said Blake had been murdered.

Realizing he had been exposed as the one responsible for the deaths of Turner and Blake as well as the one who was raping Midshipman Simmons, Leeka locked the door just as Gibbs's cell-phone began ringing.

Despite Leeka wondering if Gibbs was going to answer that, Gibbs voiced his belief he was pretty sure he knew what they wanted to tell him.

In that moment, Gibbs drew his SIG-Sauer, ordering Leeka to put his hands up but Leeka refused, kicking the gun out of Gibbs's hands and triggering a fight between the two.

His first punch causing Leeka to bleed, Gibbs informed the disgraced Marine to give up because it was only going to get worse.

Leeka refused, opting to throw Gibbs over the table and knocking a lamp over as the two men hit the ground.

Gibs responded with a headbutt and tried to grab his SIG once again but Leeka stopped him from doing that with the two continuing to exchange blows.

Unaware that Tony and Kate had figured out the truth and were trying to get inside, the fight raged on with Leeka quickly gaining the upper-hand.

He then flipped Gibbs, sending the agent to the ground before attempting to perform the same neck-breaking technique that he used on Turner and Blake with Leeka arrogantly claiming that Gibbs the old man should have stayed out of this.

However, Gibbs soon managed to fight back and emerged victorious, knocking Leeka unconscious just as Tony and Kate arrived with Gibbs ordering Leeka be cuffed.

Once he'd retrieved his weapon, Gibbs presumably informed the two that the next person unfortunate enough to mention spring break, a frat party or college would be fired with the two agents quickly assuring Gibbs they were clear on it with Gibbs pleased.

Leeka's final fate was never shown but it's presumed that after he was taken into NCIS's custody, he ended up being court-martialed and presumably dishonourably discharged or imprisoned as a result of his crimes which were the rape of Ashley Simmons, the murders of Joseph Turner and Finnegan Blake as well as assault and battery against Gibbs who he had also tried to kill.


On the surface, Leeka appeared to be just like every other Marine: devoted to serving his country and helping to train the next generation of military officers but in reality, he was a criminal or a bully who enjoyed the fear and power he held over the younger military officers of the ROTC.

He also had no remorse or guilt over the fact he was responsible for the deaths of two military officers who had been simply trying to protect fellow Midshipman Simmons from him.

He also seemed to possess some forensic awareness of some kind as he left Joseph Turner's body exposed to the elements and presumably buried Finnegan Blake's remains in the sandpit or grounds of a construction site, hoping they would never be recovered or if they were found, that the authorities would not be able to connect the murders to him.

Leeka was also in control of his emotions, never reacting with surprise upon learning that Blake was dead.

In addition, he was also very arrogant, believing someone like Gibbs who he also regarded as an old man could never beat him in a fight, only to caught off-guard by Gibbs turning the tables and ultimately winning their battle.

Physical Appearance

Leeka is a man in his forties or mid-forties with a shaven head and brown eyes.


Hand to Hand Combat

As a Marine, Leeka is trained in hand-to-hand combat, enabling him to easily subdue or kill a target.

Presumably due to his skills, Leeka was able to attack both Marine Sergeant Joseph Turner and Navy Petty Officer Finnegan Blake and get the upper hand on them before killing them by breaking their necks despite the two being active military officers.

He could also hold his own in a fight and was even able to battle on level with NCIS Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs who was a former Marine.


  • Ashley Simmons- (repeatedly raped.)
  • Marine Sergeant Joseph Turner- (broke his neck with his remains later being discovered by Fredrick Pippin).
  • Petty Officer Finnegan Blake- (neck broken enough to twist Blake's head backwards, later buried his remains in a sandpit located in a construction site on the Waverly University campus with NCIS Special Agents Timothy McGee, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Anthony DiNozzo and Caitlin Todd finding the remains).
  • Leroy Jethro Gibbs- (viciously assaulted, presumably attempted to kill, ultimately failed as Gibbs knocked Leeka unconscious).